
Kjo faqe paraqet projektet kyçe të Prison Fellowship Albania. Çdo kontributë vlerësohet shumë!

Become a Monthly Donor and be a Life Changer !

Your Monthly Support helps us Restore Lifes of Prisoners and of their Families. Every restored life gives value to that person and helps him or her to be a valued society member.

Diakonia – Making an Impact

Helping families to become independant from further support, and connecting them to healthy local network, that’s what Diakonia is about.

The Prisoners Journey

The Prisoners Journey is an 8 weeks course about important life issues, using the life of Jesus the Prisoner as example; Who was he, Why did he come and What does this matter to me?

Building churches in prison

May we present you our church-leaders: A man, sentenced for 7 more years, a lady sentenced for 12 years, a young man, sentenced for 15 years …… These men and women are the future church-leaders inside their prison.

Dream Academy

In 2018 we started with 30 teenagers. For the coming 4 years we will double that number, using self developed curriculums, personal growth manuals, only class lessons, our own Dream Academy App

Child support

Children are the ones that suffer most from their environment – poverty, imprisonment of their parents, RE Cameraisolation and many more negative influences.

Angel Tree

Angel Tree aims to sent presents to every child with a father or mother in prison.

Want to help?

Do you want to volunteer with Shkbsh – Prison Fellowship Albania. Shkbsh Prison Fellowship Albania is constantly looking for new colleagues to help us realize our mission.

Please contact us for meer information.